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Accepted Paper:

The chronology and pottery tradition in Dulan Bay, East Taiwan, 2400-2000 B.C.  
I-lin Wu (Université de Paris X)

Paper short abstract:

Based on typological and petrographic study of several pottery assemblages, this study attempts to establish a ceramic technology for local-scale production in East Taiwan.

Paper long abstract:

Surveys and excavations at the ancient sandy beach site of Dulan Bay of East Taiwan have revealed new pottery assemblages and provide a new absolute chronology of the early Middle Neolithic period in this area. The pottery from the basal layers resembles that previously reported from South and Southwest Taiwan, and suggests its settlement by migrants from these areas. The apparent co-occurrence of rice phytoliths and numerous shark vertebrae indicate the early population at Dulan Bay engaged in multi-subsistence activities. Based on a typological and petrographic study of several assemblages, I propose a technological approach that allows for a better understanding of pottery production in its regional context. Evidence from Dulan Bay underlines the importance of research at ancient sandy beach sites along coastal East Taiwan for addressing questions about the early adaptations of Middle Neolithic populations.

Panel P25
Into and out of Taiwan: alternative perspectives on population movements and influences since the Neolithic
  Session 1